Blog Post #2

1.     I believe that technology can be very influential in both students and teachers lives. As technology has advanced, students have started to heavily rely on these devices for school work. This could be applied both in the classroom and at home. For example, for students who are using technology in the classroom, it could be a great tool for note taking and/or communicating with other students. As I have started to use technology in school settings more, I can understand why it is becoming more popular. As for teachers, technology can be very beneficial as a teaching tool. For example, being able to watch videos or use a smart board allows students to be interactive and become entertained. If you were stuck simply reading a textbook or doing worksheets all day, students might become side tracked and distracted. You could also use technology for fun games, such as Kahoot. This could be both beneficial for the student and teacher.

2.     To begin, the standard that is meaningful to me is the fifth one. This one discusses the educator as a designer. It states, “educators design authentic, learner-driven activities and environments that recognize and accommodate learner viability” (ISTE STANDARDS FOR EDUCATORS). I found this to hold a lot of meaning to me. Being a student, and possibly a future educator, I have learned that every student is different and that you cannot apply one form of teaching to everyone. Designing different activities that are meant to grab the student and are authentically created could be very beneficial.
At my current skill level, being a facilitator currently seems out of my skill reach. It discusses how “educators facilitate learning with technology to support student achievement of the ISTE Standards for Students” (ISTE STANDARDS FOR EDUCATORS). In order for this to be a reachable goal of mine, I would need to first learn different these different forms of technological education and how best to apply them in a classroom.

3.     I do agree with the term digital native for today’s youth. Digital native refers to a group of adolescents who are born in a time where technology is already very popular and important in life. I believe that there is a large difference because as a person who would be considered a digital native, I can understand how a digital immigrant might struggle with understanding all that comes along with technology. With some professors, I can tell a lack of understanding when it comes to the internet and how to efficiently use technology. However, because we live in the twenty first century, I believe many teachers have taken the time to successfully learn. Because technology is ever advancing, I do believe that in the future, we as digital natives will become what we consider digital immigrants. As technology changes, we need to be sure to keep up with the times. 

     I commented on Olivia Wilkening and Malyce Collins blog post. I found both of them to be very informative. As for Olivia's, I found that we discussed very similar ideas and were on the same page. As for Malyce, I also really enjoyed her post and found that we discussed similar ideas, however we also differed very much. Having many different blog post to read helps to see different ideas that one might not come up with on their own!


  1. This post was very similar to mine especially when talking about the digital native term. I think that we will eventually become "digital immigrants" because I see the difference between us and our teachers now so I think it will work the same way as we grow older. I also think being a designer is important in teaching because every kid is different. That is very true that you have to come up with different things to do to keep engaging with your students therefore it is a very important standard to follow.

  2. I agree fully with your third point! It's very important as educators to keep up with the current times and incorporate current technology into instruction. It's also an interesting point that digital natives now will become digital immigrants for the later generations.

  3. I like how you brought up the engagement of students through the use of technology is question 1. I believe that if the students enjoy technology, then we as educators should use that to our advantage and use technology in the classroom. Then there's a greater chance that the students will be more engaged in class and enjoy learning.

  4. Hayley, I really enjoyed reading your blog post! I completely agree that students rely heavily on technology. At the school I work at, elementary school students spend at least 30 minutes per day completing "I-Stations", or online lessons. At the secondary school, every single student has a Chrome book, where teachers post homework, classwork, and extra materials via a program known as Schoology. In contrast to you, I felt as though the Designer standard would be the most difficult for me. I also agree with you that there can be a very obvious lack in understanding of technology among professors. I believe now, though, more professors feel the need to become more technologically proficient and take their time to learn how to more efficiently utilize technology.

  5. I enjoy reading all your comments on Hayley's post. I agree with you guys that digital natives will become what we consider digital immigrants if digital natives do not keep up with the times. : )


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